Holiday Season Book Release - Makes A Great Gift for the Kids

 New Release
Family Interactive Children's Book

The Santa Committee is an interactive Christmas adventure children's book designed to share what the Christmas season is all about – The JOY and LOVE we share with others when we give, share, or help others.

That’s what the season is all about and the spirit of Christmas that puts a smile on everyone’s face. The book includes One Official Santa Committee Application, One Acceptance letter from Santa Claus, and 40 fun, daily joy-spreading activities.

Created as a wonderful children’s story, The Santa Committee shares one Head Elf’s endeavor to bring back joy. This task was asked by Santa himself, as joy was running very low that year and he was afraid he would have to cancel Christmas! 

In place high atop the North Pole is the Enchanted Sugar Shadow Forest. This mystical place is where all the Elves reside to help Santa. The Head Elftress, Elfanore, is enlisted by Santa to bring back the joy and magic to Christmas.

The Santa Committee is formed and you’ll see all the magic they spread. For this, they are known as “spreaders” – Spreaders of joy and love during the magical season we call Christmas! 

Children will delight in the fun activities created to spread little acts of kindness and joy wherever they go!

You may get your copy of 
The Santa Committee at Amazon 
and in Kindle as a download. 

A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

A Uplifting and Inspiring Story About An Unlikely Friendship - Children's Book

 Christian Reading For Children
A Must Read Book!

Get your copy of Frank The Angel at Amazon in paperback, in Kindle, and at Barnes and Noble.

You Will Love Reading This Book

Available at Amazon and in Kindle.
Order your copy today!

Feed People, (Dream, Believe, Follow)
By: Donna Rollyson
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars

Chronicling a journey from Savannah, Georgie back to West Virginia, overcoming their own dark past from alcoholism and drugs, this couple finds recovery and life in Jesus!

God’s hand of forgiveness and mercy would eventually lead the couple to the revitalizing and planting of a small country church with a food pantry that would feed a small community in West Virginia.

Stepping out in faith after hearing from God, Donna Rollyson and her husband, Ed, begin a journey of obedience to the Lord. Fascinating, this true story reveals God’s mighty miracle-working power in having a calling if you believe upon the Lord, Jesus. He can make all things new. Feeding People is a wonderful testament to the goodness of God! Ultimately, this book reveals the restoration found in finding purpose in one’s calling. Her life motto could be “God knows and sees, just trust and obey.”

Organizing their journey through a 5-part outline, this book inspires, encourages, and teaches all to trust God when one is called into action upon hearing from the Lord. With such heading chapters as: When God Speaks … Listen, The Dream Team, God’s Calling Upon Our Lives, Help Wanted: The Dream Team is needed in West Virginia, and The Beginning of God’s Magnificence! Each step of the way reveals God’s amazing grace in kindness. She highlights also when plans go array, noting that sometimes our plan is not His plan in order for readers to ponder circumstances in their own lives, giving great insight as to when it might be time to move on. Her encouragement is to be led by the Lord’s Spirit.

Grit and determination encompass this book, as the author reveals that God can do the impossible. This is also a true testament of faith and being made new in Christ, revealing the handiwork of God. She sprinkles her book with scripture that certainly exemplifies her points. Readers will find faith and hope for a new life in the little steps, the big steps, and the diligent seeking of the Lord, leading them to realize their callings and purpose. Birthed from a dream, her new series encompasses the steps of her “Dream Believe Follow” series that reveals how God can work and speak. Readers will also appreciate this book as an honest work that encapsulates God’s loving hand upon willing and obedient hearts!

A highly recommended read for anyone! This book also serves as a reminder to the body of Christ that feeding people and helping the poor is a command from the Lord.

You may get your copy of Feed People at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

A Must Read Delightful Children’s Book

With colorful digital imagery and developed for young children from ages 2 to 5-years-old,  the author as founder of Dard’s Parkland Daycare Center, gives the account of Abba’s Sanctuary that became a safe haven for children and Abba’s creatures alike.

Abba’s Sanctuary (Book One) by Shirley JoAnn Taylor is a delightful children’s book telling an amazing true story of a daycare in the southeast area of Washington DC that received a special gift in the form of a dove from Abba, Father God. 

Your Past, Your Present and Your Future

Is Your Past Your Present? Is Your Perception Your Reality? -Lawrence W. Stanfield, PhD, relates the importance of healing childhood trauma. 

Offering solutions and explanation into habits and patterns that develop into adulthood through an unstable home environment lend insight into an approach to holistic healing. These means of holistic healing are through the rebirth process and living a godly life. Consequently, the necessary ingredients that a child needs is presented. 

The author gives readers the tools to recognize unstable environments and childhood trauma received from insecurity, giving hope to readers with encouragement to seek holistic means of healing of the soul through Jesus, the Bible and the application of Biblical principles.

Throughout the author sheds light into practical application through scripture verses that offer a clear perspective of the epidemic of dilemma affecting so many people into their adult years. His book combines decades of research, his own childhood trauma coming from an unstable environment, and depicts case studies that further reveal the plight of victims in childhood.  He gives truth to believers that they might not be able to live a victorious life in Christ without certain biblical principles in play. He encourages confrontation of issues related to childhood trauma and perception to challenge.

Presenting information that is without the usual psychological dogma that is difficult to understand, he speaks to readers with compassion. Chapter One begins with encouraging Biblical truths and profound, yet simple, insights that make this a worth-while read to understand a child’s deep need for love, security and self-esteem within a godly environment with parents being living examples of God’s love. Crucial explanation of the basic foundational building blocks that promote a well-rounded adult, the author conversely gives understanding to what happens to children that don’t receive these basics in childhood. His book gives an overview of brain function, mental development, and behavior cycles that come from not receiving the basics in childhood. In essence, both the brain and soul are affected; therefore, both are in need of reprogramming and healing.

At the core of his book is the solution for the soul in holistic healing represented through the rebirth and receiving of the Holy Spirit. Without these two functions, a Christian will not live victoriously. Unveiling the nature of God, our Creator, as a loving Father, and Jesus Christ, His Son, the author presents a guide to walking in the Spirit of God, giving Biblical truth as foundational for becoming whole and free. Yet, he offers truth, and speaks of false doctrine in certain theology that speaks of Christianity as a way to become blessed, prosperous and not suffer. Rather, He speaks of the sanctified soul and the dying to self as a way of daily walking with God.

In this way, the author offers information to identify such abnormal behavior, emotions and patterns that may be hindering the readers’ walk in life that affect relationships and personal fulfillment.

With hope and dignity, the author gives practical Biblical solutions to bring forth healing for the soul. A CBM Christian Review - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Order your copy of The Power of Childhood at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Perfect In God's Eyes

2 Corinthians 7:1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.  

Perfecting holiness in a person’s life seems to be a foreign language to some people. One of the steps to this is “in the fear of God.” The fear of the Lord is a referential trust and becomes a controlling motive of life concerning spiritual and moral matters. Your greatest desire is not wanting to displease Him in thought, word or deed. People may tell you, “That is easier said than done,” however it is very possible when you put the Lord in first place in your life and expect the Holy Spirit to direct you on an hourly basis. 

The Lord wants to help you, by working through you, to show the world that He is in control, and will enable you to overcome the satanic attacks. Expect to see victory in your life today.

Tracts for Kids On Halloween

The perfect trick n treat gift. Give out more than just candy this Halloween!

Let's reach out and let kid’s know about Jesus through this cute little pumpkin shaped box that holds children’s favorite candy, asking the question, “Is there anything better than candy?” This Halloween tract is developed just for kids during the time of goblins, pumpkins and scary stuff; the answer is “YES, THERE IS SOMETHING WAY BETTER THAN CANDY.” Being God’s friend is much better than candy. 

We can all tell children about Jesus, salvation and eternal life during this Halloween is the perfect way to share God’s love. Open up this little pumpkin and find each Halloween tract filled pumpkin has 6 petals. Written in a way children can easily understand, this is a great addition to your Halloween candy bowl as you hand out your Halloween treats. Teaching the Good News of the Gospel with this Halloween tract, these products have been a huge hit during Halloween! 

Children's tracts and products 0 Alvin Gan is the creative talent behind Let the Little Children Come, focusing on the joy, salvation, and eternal life offered through Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. See the testimonies of the wonderful way children and adults alike LOVE these Halloween tracts.  Sold in packages of 20, this is a wonderful way to teach children about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Other products by designer and developer Alvin Gan are: Animated John 3:16 tracts, that include a variety of pop-ups, greatest gift sticker story, wordless tracts, Easter egg shaped candy tracts for Easter time, The True Story of Christmas and a tract developed for sharing the Gospel to older children in a contemporary grungy style, with the John 3:16 children’s tract available in English, Spanish and Chinese. Free shipping worldwide and a 100% product money back guarantee comes with every purchase.

All products are an innovative and powerful evangelism tool to teach the saving grace of Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life. Get your Halloween Tracts today.

Love and Romance

The limelight of the roaring 20’s, coupled with the Great Depression in a fantastic blend of love, romance, new beginnings wrapped around a theme of seeking the Kingdom of God first and laying up treasures in heaven. 10.0 out of 10.0 stars CBM

Leaving her life of fame and fortune, Treasure Gilroy as a model for New York, London and Paris, is headed for the Australian outback. Seeking a new start, after receiving her late grandmother’s inheritance, Treasure sets off on a journey to discovery of herself. Within that, she discovers love and that leaving the past behind for a new life in God is possible.

Through twists and turns, readers will understand that where their heart is, there is also their treasure. This a wonderful Christian fiction novel that gives light and hope amidst life’s turmoil that ends in goodness and seeking the Lord. With a gift of insight into spiritual matters, the author takes readers on journey of the heart to find the treasure that lies within them, encouraging them to seek God and that “good” can come out of life’s journeys. Mixed with teachings on love and forgiveness, the author displays the sanctity of marriage as to be revered, and friendships and helping the poor to be an honor.

We all like happy endings, and indeed this Christian romance has happy endings for all the characters involved. You will not be disappointed with this uplifting romance!  A recommended must read for those on a journey of the heart. Available at Discovering Treasure at Amazon.

The Long Road Back

In watching today's news on television or reading the news online. The title of the following book would be a great way to end every news channel here in America. It is a simple yet profound statement, a call to a people that have gotten off course. Return to Christianity by A.M. Deigloriam is a wake-up call to America, the complacent, the compromising, the slothful, and all who are disobedient to the Lord’s commands.  

It is written that love is the greatest of all gifts. Considering that God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son to die on the cross. That one sacrifice alone which paid the price for the sins of the world was an ultimate sacrifice and extension of love from God to His creation.

in his new book, Return to Christianity, being centered on one of the greatest commandments: Love thy neighbor as thyself - A.M. Deigloriam takes a look at the position of wealth in America and reminds people that wealth is not to be trusted in, but God who gives to all richly everything to enjoy. With a historical look at the original twelve apostles, the author brings readers back with scripture to the core values that this country has lived by, which we are quickly losing, as many Americans have forgotten God and living a holy life. This read is a highly recommended for those that desire to do good in their sphere of influence. ~ You may get your copy of Return to Christianity in NOOK Book.

Fascinating, Easy-to-read, and Historically Accurate

Wonderfully written, a must read.

In Romance of the Hebrew Calendar: Breaking the Alabaster Jar, Dr. Raphael Ben Levi sheds light in his comprehensive book (900 pages) on the Jewish Hebraic calendar. He invites readers to contemplate, reflect and understand the Jewish people (God’s chosen) and the multiple layers, dimensions and appointed feasts of the Lord. As God’s chosen people, the Jewish race play a crucial part in Christianity and the history of world events. With this in mind, the author speaks from a perspective as a descendant from Holocaust escapees and writes with a Messianic Jewish perspective, giving a keen understanding of the Hebraic roots.

From the Israelites in captivity in the wilderness to Passover, to many of the memorialized days that lie within the times and dates within the Jewish calendar, the author helps readers understand the full cultural aspects within a contextual and biblical perspective. Systematically, the author presents a thorough and comprehensive overview of God’s people, their sufferings, and afflictions that offers a vast amount of wisdom from years of study. The Jewish roots that have shaped Christianity unfolds in such a way that reveals the love relationship which the Lord God has with His people and the nations of the World.

~ Romance of the Hebrew Calendar: Breaking the Alabaster Jar
~ Dr. Raphael Ben Levi
~ ISBN#978-1-4691-2775-0 (SC)
~ CBM Book Review
~ 10.0 out of 10.0 stars
  • Romance of the Hebrew Calendar is fascinating, easy-to-read, and historically accurate, the author has selected quotes from various sources, then presents explanatory charts that not only summarize the 12 month calendar, but also include a detailed description of the 12 Tribes of Israel, and their location within the tribe’s camp, offering a clear look into the ancestry of the birth of Israel and so much more. Within this, the meaning and significance of the Breastplate of the High Priest and the corresponding jewels reveal a complicated subject with ease. 
  • Romance of the Hebrew further exploring the rich Jewish identity, the author brings revelation from the Scriptures without the “esoteric mystical interpretation” often incorporated within this subject. The author describes his endeavors as, “. . . a divine romance dancing to the heartbeat of the Hebrew calendar. What can we compare it to? It is like a deer who pants for running streams. . .” and that, “True brokenness always leads to restoration.” What a profound statement for a book about the Jewish calendar! His book is quite unique, embellished with commentaries, stories and historical/cultural insight that will ignite a passion for the things of God that bring a vast understanding and honor of the Jewish nation, people and culture.
  • This is an amazing read for Christians, helping them understand the significance of their heritage from the Jewish people, but also for the Jewish person, helping them better recognize “Yeshua” (Jesus) as the Messiah. This book comes highly recommended for an instructional syllabus for College level instruction and is highly recommended for the individual and/or group study that seeks to deepen their intimacy and level of understanding of the Jewish calendar as they relate to our modern day biblical celebrations.

You may get your copy of Romance of the Hebrew Calendar at Amazon

Being In Step With God's Heart

In her new release, Heartbeats, The Rhythm of Love by Gale Alvarez. The author takes readers on a journey through 101 life-learned reflections that offer hope, inspiration and faith in a loving God. 

Capturing the essence of God’s heart for you, Heartbeats, The Rhythm of Love, is filled with Scripture verses, God’s promises, and insightful ponderings that offer new hope and perspective from the many life-lessons and reflections the author shares. 

Be inspired, refreshed, through life’s turbulent circumstances as the author shares the ever-present God, who is the Possible God” that can do “Impossible Things.” 

This book will build faith and trust in your daily walk with God. Each page has a chosen teaching that reveals his heartbeat for you as you walk in the rhythm of love with your Maker. 

Welcome the God that longs for you to be in-step with His heartbeat.  Discover the perfect gift for a loved one or perhaps the perfect gift for yourself to provide peace, clear perspective and revitalized hope.

In this current trend of skepticism and negativity that pervades this World, this book offers fresh faith and insight. Readers will find hope, wisdom and encouragement from the many life-reflections that present themselves in an easy reading, daily devotional style, bringing hope to the hopeless and will inspire readers to trust God with all their heart, mind, body and soul. 

Famine Has Come To Many Nations

In the near future a big famine will hit every country, but don’t let it affect you. Storing up large amounts of food for that time is not the answer, because people will steal it, as well other adverse conditions can affect it. The idea God has for you is to fill your spirit with the promises of God before the problems come, so that you come against the problems with what God’s Word says. 

During the three years of drought, Elijah had food every day, 1 Kings 17:1-16. You might say that God met his need because he was a prophet, but how did God looked at Elijah? James 5:17-18 tells you Elijah was a man with a nature like yours, he prayed that it would not rain. Later he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. God will meet your need during the famine as well.

Psalm 37:19 They shall not be ashamed in the evil time, and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied