Are You Hungry or Thirsty?

Recently, my wife asked me a very profound question which, honestly, I completely misunderstood at first. She asked what does Jesus find interesting about her (or anyone else for that matter). Wrongly so, I proceeded to give what I felt were biblical answers. After creating an emotional firestorm of anger because I did not understand her, the Holy Spirit stopped me dead in my tracks.

Later that evening, before bed, I was led to John' s gospel account the 3rd chapter. I encourage you to read through this book in its entirety. God revealed to us ultimately that JESUS spends a great deal of time with those who are THIRSTY or HUNGRY. Jesus promises that the water he offers will never leave you thirsty.

The thought to take away from this is that while the message of Christ, the Gospel, has a UNIVERSAL is the hungry and thirsty for whom Jesus takes a PERSONAL interest in.

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