A Brief Word on Separation

Jesus declares in the Bible that a house divided against itself cannot stand. This kind of separation has been causing havoc in the body of Christ. What do I mean?

For example, during the 20th century, you would often find different churches catering to different groups of people depending on race and/or socioeconomic status. While much progress has been made to improve relations in these areas, there are still denominational divides found within the family of God!

These divisions are often selfish and take the focus away from Jesus Christ! The separation that God presents to us is removing the old man (who lusted after the world and its ways) and putting on the new man (who is in Christ Jesus). With the world getting worse by the moment, we must strive to attain the unity of the faith Paul mentions in his letter to the Cortinthian church!

Our message, music, preaching, worship, and our lives should reflect our diversity, but, ultimately, our union to the One and Only Living God!

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