Shedding light on the Laws of the Universe, that govern the physical world

Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever: Clear Path to Success by Larry Jones reverberates CHANGE.  Bold, outspoken and powerful, the author exclaims, "It is not what you think, but how you think what you think."  As an Entrepreneur for Christ, author, speaker, teacher and life coach, Jones does not dispute eternal salvation in Jesus Christ, yet highlights from years of Bible study that you are what you think!  Giving his own experience and presenting a proven biblical pathway to success, the author notes Proverbs, "For as he thinketh in his heart so is he," shedding light on the "Laws of the Universe," that govern the physical world.  Intriguing and inspiring, the author writes, "Your life is only a mirrored image of your thinking."  Your own thoughts and inner life, as the book notes, play a huge role in developing who you are, where you are at in your life - producing good or bad outcomes.  Discover that thoughts are like seeds (without a physical form) that either produce life or death in your life.  From a firm biblical perspective, author Larry Jones gives proven biblical principles that will transform your life!  Get out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary with this exciting book that will reinvent your life - FOREVER.  

Be sure to visit author Larry Jones at Christian Reading or at Change Your World by Thought. You may get your copy of Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever in Kindle Edition.

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